I’d Like to introduce you to an approach to providing feedback called the RISE Model, developed by Emily Wray. This model is aligned with the revised Bloom’s Taxonomy and is designed to elicit higher order thinking from students as they reflect on the feedback and guidance you provide them. Viewing the model displayed in the graphic below, you can see how the descriptors of the feedback categories increase in complexity of thinking as they progress up the pyramid, as they do in the Bloom’s Taxonomy Model.
Using the particular phraseology suggested in the feedback provides students a contextual reference to their assignment, and creates actionable responses based on other descriptive feedback you provide.
A powerful aspect of this model is that it utilizes a rubric to measure your use and application of the feedback levels. It is even more powerful because it was originally developed to encourage better feedback among students in peer evaluations. So its potential in your classroom has an added dimension which you should explore.
Learn about how this model originated, and how it applies to your classroom by viewing this YouTube video by the developer Emily Wray: