The articles, or coaching tips, included in this section, are short pieces written and distributed to facilitators that were assigned to me at the Open Campus of the University of the West Indies. Each semester, I am assigned a group of courses to coach, and create these short articles when asked about specific issues the facilitators are encountering during the delivery of a course. You can link to the article below or use the navigation bar at the top of the page. PDF versions of the article are available through a link at the bottom of each page.
- Thinking Strategically about Your Professional Development: Often times busy educators are scheduled for training at what is perceived as an inconvenient time. There are often questions about the applicability of the training or resistance to the requirement. This article was written to help facilitators consider that they were in control of using training opportunities to their advantage.
- Are You Working Strategically? When delivering a course, facilitators may sometimes feel that "the tail is wagging the dog". They are overwhelmed in trying to respond to every issue, that they often feel the teaching part of their job is put at the end of the list. This short article asks them to identify what is triggering this situation, and suggests they consider aspects of how they work that, if changed, can make them feel they are better managing their time.
- Remember that TIME ends with ME: Time management is a critical issue for busy professionals, and this article provides some guidance to keep sanity while juggling so many priority activities.
- What is Formative Feedback? Facilitators are expected to provide feedback on assignments so a student can understand how to improve. Formative feedback provides actionable guidance to students to move the learning forward. This short article explains the characteristics of formative feedback that is beneficial.
- Using Rubrics: Just as feedback informs a student of the way forward in their learning, the use of clear rubrics helps inform student of expectations for performance. This article describes characteristics of good rubrics.
- RISE to Critical Thinking: This article introduces the RISE Model for facilitation of feedback. By following a simple approach to facilitation of discussions, students can be encouraged to increase the depth of their thinking in their responses.
- Don't Let Late Additions Get Left Behind: We all have experienced students who are late to arrive or slow to engage, this short article provides some guidance on actions that can be taken to create a successful path for these students.